lunes, 15 de diciembre de 2014

Christmas Traditions in English Speaking Countries

Christmas Lights (Coldplay)

Christmas Lights Lyrics


  • Where are "Coldplay" from?
  • Why is 26 December called Boxing Day? Do you have a similar celebration in your country?
  • Did you know that New Zealanders celebrate Christmas twice a year?
  • Do you now the pohutukawa tree? Where is it from?

At Christmas time all around the world adults and children prepare special recipes, sing Christmas carols, open up presents, decorate houses and trees and have fun together!

However each country has its own way of celebrating Christmas. What do you know about Christmas celebrations around the world?

Would you like to have a look?

Imagine this Christmas you are going to host a cyber friend from a foreign country and you want to surprise him by knowing everything about Christmas traditions in his/her country…

Working with your group,  collect as much information you can about traditions, recipes, decorations and carols at Christmas time in his/her country and then get everything ready to welcome him/her.

Search the given websites to find all about Christmas time in that country: decorations, recipes, carols, Christmas Eve and Day traditions... 
 organise the information you gathered and added to your blog.


La Navidad en los países de habla inglesa
La Navidad en Australia   - Navidades en julio
La Navidad en Estados Unidos